Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Imagine a place where urban planning is all geared to pedestrian and bicycle traffic, where cars an

San Francisco - There is an alternative | Four Corners of the World
Imagine a place where urban planning is all geared to pedestrian and bicycle traffic, where cars and any thing is noisy and polluting last plan, where any kind of prejudice was swept more than half a century, clackamas mall where the tables of most cafes Community and restaurants are where it's easy to find organic fruits and vegetables from local farmers at affordable prices and where you have public, fast and free internet on the street.
With only 800 000 inhabitants and about 10 square miles, you'll almost forget you're in the USA. San Francisco has its own identity, it's beautiful, clean, safe and with a pre-disposing contagious healthy life, able to make any sedentary person will have to rent a bike and go cycling the Embarcadero area in the evening.
San Francisco is one of my favorite cities in the USA and walks quickly to lead the ranking. Here are some tips and a mini-script divided by region to enjoy it to the fullest.
- Take the "Powell-Hyde" tram line (which is not really a trolley, is a "cable car", a car pulled by steel cables placed on the rail) and get off at the stop of Lombard Street, the street famous zig -zague which is a symbol of the city. If it works, try to catch the tram at the starting point, at the intersection of Powell and Market, near Union Square. There is much less crowded and you can catch the tram empty.
- Cross the Lombard Street and go walking towards the bay to Fisherman's Wharf, enjoying clackamas mall a bit of the region from Russian Hills, the view of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge (which will make "photobomb" in all their photos taken around ). Before arriving at the Wharf, stop at Ghirardelli Square, a mall based on the former factory of Ghirardelli Chocolates (900 North Point Street). Enjoy visiting the coolest souvenir shops, items for dogs and of course the coffee Ghirardelli.
- Keep walking and taking in the view to your photos until you get to Fisherman's Wharf, the old fish market and port used by fishermen in the city. The place was recently renovated and has several clackamas mall shops and restaurants, plus a lot of people. clackamas mall Although it is crowded with tourists, is a good place to eat seafood at reasonable prices.
- Hike the piers and follow walking to Pier 39 to see the sea lions. The animals simply seized the place and live there for the good life, sunbathing and posing for photos. Must be nice to be sea lion in San Francisco.
- When returning from Alcatraz, go to Boudin Sourdough Bakery (Pier 39) to restore the energies with a sandwich or a traditional clam chowder a chowder that comes inside a round bread (the so Sourdough). Another good option is to go to Chestnut Street for dinner or a beer. But do not forget: everything closes kind of early San Francisco.
Alcatraz ... go. It's tourist program, but the history of the place is amazing. The vibe is kind of heavy, after all, their former tenants were not people say, owners of manners. Get the audio guide (free and Portuguese) and dismayed with the stories and adventures of the guys who tried to send him there, although the three escaped convicts who did not survive to tell the tale. And pay attention to the photos of record Al Capone, who took the only photo smiling, even in jail. It was a golden boy of the old Al.
Book ... the tour to Alcatraz with as early as possible, because it is common exhaust. Buy your ticket at alcatrazcruises.com site, which is the only official website run by the Ministry of Interior of the United States. Surely you will find other sites that also sell the tour, but with an extra charge (after all, they are reselling the ticket and want to make unzinho upon you). Try to schedule the night tour, which entitles clackamas mall one incredible sunset sun (included clackamas mall in the package!) In San Francisco Bay.
Riding a tram ... (or "cable car"). Preferably standing in the stirrups, which is much cooler (and allowed), further down the slopes. The ticket costs $ 6, regardless of the destination and you buy into the tram itself with the Chinese driver who will meet you in a good English worse than yours.
- The best way to get around San Francisco's bike. Or walk. However, since not everyone who stumbles travel in pace Triathlon, sometimes a mechanical help is very welcome. And the best option in San Francisco is the subway (aka BART - Bay Area Rapid Transit), which works well and serves almost the whole city.
- Lower the Mission in St. eastbound, toward 17th Street. Halfway clackamas mall there you will find the Clarion Alley, a narrow alleyway filled with legal graffiti messages. It is very likely that someone is working on a wall or retouching some drawing.

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