Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fat quality is the basic problem in the Finnish diet. The hard fat in the diet were to fall to 70 c

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Are Omega-7 Sea buckthorn oil actually healthy, or should I buy "empty"? After all, they are not cheap. Sea buckthorn oil is mostly fat soft fat that is beneficial for health. However, we need soft fat at least 20% of the energy. This refers to physically light woman who works at least 40 g per day, and men for at least 60 grams per day. The capsule, or a pair of oil contained, usually to 1 g, it is unfortunately not help much if the quality of dietary fat is not otherwise fine.
Fat quality is the basic problem in the Finnish diet. The hard fat in the diet were to fall to 70 century. Now low-cost development malls in atlanta has been stopped and the quality of the grease has turned for the worse again.
Adequate intake malls in atlanta of soft fat, follow these steps: 1 spread on bread soft, 60-70% of margarine, 2 cooking malls in atlanta and vegetable oil shortening, the so-called. bottle of margarine or 60-70% of margarine, 3 vegetable oil or vegetable oil-based salad dressing on lettuce, 4 fish 2 times a week. The hard the amount of fat is obtained, in turn, reduced by the following means: 1 milk, sour milk, yoghurt and viilistä fat-free or up to 1% fat options, 2 cheese up to 17% fat options, 3 meats sugars and not more than 4%, the minced meat no more than 10% fat sausages and a maximum of 12% fat, the whole low-fat meat as grass parts, ie for example. malls in atlanta roasts malls in atlanta and fillets or visible fat removed, 4th of butter and butter-vegetable oil mixes may contain avoidance, 5 fatty foods and baked goods to avoid.
Sea buckthorn, like other berries, are highly malls in atlanta recommended and should be good to eat as often as possible, preferably on a daily basis. Berries are rich in health-promoting vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds. malls in atlanta It is therefore not appropriate to make use of sea buckthorn, malls in atlanta and all other berries, only the seeds contained in the oil. However, seed oils containing capsules There are no adverse effects were noted - in contrast to eg. Fish oil in preparation for some people. Top stories
Why buy expensive sea buckthorn oil ,, please buy the store cold-pressed sea buckthorn juice ,, even if it is acidic, I have taken about 1/2 cup, just mehuna not mixed with any ,, on can not drink even water, as I have received at least the mucous membranes stay healthy ,, juice is absorbed 99 % with only about half of the capsules malls in atlanta to be absorbed. like every day the same dose.
Why buy expensive sea buckthorn oil ,, please malls in atlanta buy the store cold-pressed sea buckthorn juice ,, even if it is acidic, I have taken about 1/2 cup, just mehuna not mixed with any ,, on can not drink even water, as I have received at least the mucous membranes stay healthy ,, juice is absorbed 99 % with only about half of the capsules to be absorbed. like every day the same dose. [/ quote]
Good fats: Wild fish, nuts, seeds, almond, avocado, egg, cold-pressed organic vegetable oils (rapeseed, hemp, flax, coconut and olive oil). Thanks to the cold pressing, malls in atlanta the fatty acid composition of the oil and vitamins remain in their natural form. Animal malls in atlanta fats (organic best). NO margarine (40%, 60% or 80% fat balance water +) or the light spread (the amount of fat than any of the other 40%, 60% or 80% + water), or any other processed vegetable oils and fats. So, avoid foods with ingredients: hydrogenated vegetable fat, hydrogenated vegetable oil, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, linseed oil, phytosterol, palm oil, palm fat, coconut fat and fatty acid mono-and malls in atlanta di-glycerides.
http://personal.inet.fi/koti/remeli/margariinit.htm good fats we need for growth and development, as well as general health maintenance. This fat is energy, digestion, brain, and cell metabolism essential. Fat task is to act as a building material of cell membranes and cell messengers starting material. malls in atlanta mm. hormonal messaging functionality is to catch the fat. Remember that fat metabolism (and many other of the body of the function), adequate intake of fats is important. So do not under any circumstances forget them or leave them out deliberately in the hope that laihtuisit!
Good fats: Wild fish, nuts, seeds, almond, avocado, egg, cold-pressed organic malls in atlanta vegetable oils (rapeseed, hemp, flax, coconut and olive oil). Thanks to the cold pressing, malls in atlanta the fatty acid composition of the oil and vitamins remain in their natural form. Animal fats (organic best). NO margarine (40%, 60% or 80% fat balance water +) or the light spread (the amount of fat than any of the other 40%, 60% or 80% + water), or any other processed vegetable oils and fats. So, avoid foods with ingredients: hardener

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