Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pickpockets attack shopping malls and supermarkets during the holidays and drain credit and debit c

Watch your bags pickpockets slid in malls and shops - zonaburgas.bg
HIGHLIGHTS Grand Hotel Pomorie offers gift voucher for Valentine's first inhabitants of the new family homes come in March Police looking biscuit boss. Luring second wife on the phone. Barekov accused BTV double morality 15 team from Burgas Constabulary will fight crime in villages "Green Balkans" island and built a palace the veggie grill in the lake protected draft of Nessebar Municipality for 2014 is 60.59 million lev Burgas police to fight domestic crime Sungurlarska underground streets to NHK will be at a depth of 8 meters here and there already has martenitsi
Pickpockets attack shopping malls and supermarkets during the holidays and drain credit and debit cards. Police warn not to wear to a place card and PIN. 26 year old women of Burgas was robbed at Mall Burgas Plaza." Stolen and ladies purse containing a sum of around the veggie grill 200 lev, personal documents and four debit cards, two of them were with PIN them. From these maps were subsequently executed transactions totaling about 650 lev Work on the case continues by officers of the Fifth Regional Department "Police" - Burgas. 53 years nesebarliyka was the victim of pickpockets in store "Liddell Ravda. From her purse stolen her purse to the amount of 1300 lev, personal documents and a debit card with a PIN code to it. It was found that by bankomatno device Kableshkovo the veggie grill subsequently entered into transactions worth 10 lev. Work on the case continues by officers of the Regional Department "Police" - Nessebar.
MORE NEWS NGO "Smile" to share for dental the veggie grill health police looking biscuit boss. Luring second wife on the phone. Nessebar - an attractive destination for honeymooners from around the world killed grandmother Lorry reversing set fire Sophia "BMW" the veggie grill in Burgas was just celebrated Holy Mass today in honor of the Day of Saint Vlasiy in Tsarevo will have lane outdoor fitness today enjoy spring temperatures Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds new photo competition Burgas Court had years and 10 months penalty on trial for computer fraud Died boy jumped from the sixth floor of Meden Rudnik Barekov accused BTV double morality 15 team from Burgas Constabulary will fight crime villages the veggie grill Petko Ivanov: The state by law to deal with "Mercedes" burn in Nessebar
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