Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Home About us Contact Us Latest Outdoor storage of weapons of World War II in Berlin, London stoppe

The accused in the Megaden "Octopus" Petrov was conductor of Jewish capital in the country, which were expended for the construction of malls, shops and other investments in the country. That said, today, one of those interviewed in court character process e catalogue Velislav Velev.Mezhdu 1997 and 1998 Velev has worked as a legal adviser businessman George Petrakiev Tsvetanov, who is one of the key witnesses against the former adviser to the National Security Agency and his associates. "I've heard that Tsvetanov has business with Alexei Petrov. I've seen receipts that George was taking a lot of big money from it. I do not know them back, "said the witness.
"One of the firms Tsvetanov gave 100,000 Levs, who had to give Neshka Robeva, but as far as I know, he has given them," said another Velev. Once again witnessed close to Tsvetanov denied Hall George have been beaten and threatened. "In that period the three developments, tapped our phones and we all knew," said Velislav Velev court. / Turbo
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Home About us Contact Us Latest Outdoor storage of weapons of World War II in Berlin, London stopped loans for students from Bulgaria and Romania Oktay Dogan wants to call as a witness in the case on the air: Annie Tzolova got all shirty early hobo threw into turmoil institutions in Yambol Popular Truth polish - see who and what organized protests against 29 July 2013 Borisov sent SANS and tax through milk and meat August e catalogue 1, 2012 CDI admitted: Cops are broken glass July 29, 2013 Gallery
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