Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cookies are everywhere today. They use the advertising systems, which are usually the most fundamen

Cookies in the EU since May? Only with the explicit consent of the visitor |
How should lead to new regulation within the EU e-Privacy directives? It is difficult to predict, the EU itself is still not clear and, according to those responsible or do not have enough time to process the May 25 needed materials that would have made that clear. And it will not be "for now" or require a check for new regulation of the European Union.
The Regulation, which requires that any use cookies to track users shall be made only after this activity the user expresses explicit consent. The only exception is when using cookies to e-shops, but only if the cookie is used for the functionality of the shopping cart.
Member States SHALL ENSURE That STORING of the information, or the Gaining of access to information already stored, in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user is only allowed on condition That the subscriber or user Concerned has given his or Consent games, la grande distribution having been provided with Comprehensive and clear information, in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC, inter alia about the Purposes of the processing. This Shall not Prevent any technical storage or access for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as Strictly Necessary in order for the provider of an information society service Explicitly Requested by the subscriber or user to Provide the service. "
In practice this may mean that each user on each site falling under the jurisdiction of the EU have prior to accept (or reject) the use of cookies. Without la grande distribution them, many sites unusable. And many of them are cookies provide the essential functionality. Without them, we would, for example, signed up again and again on every site where we have created an account and set it up, how the web works.
EU regulation can not be avoided, assuming that you do not move their sites outside the jurisdiction of the EU. Any site owner in the EU will be clearly visible in quite a competitive disadvantage - site visitors will have to force them to consent or refusal to submit to him popups or questionnaires. And without clear answers, no one will be able to let the web. Or, stop use cookies completely. Stop using cookies?
Cookies are everywhere today. They use the advertising systems, which are usually the most fundamental business model. They are used for measuring traffic systems, so that the sites can be found across the Czech Republic NetMonitor, Toplist, Google Analytics or any other measuring la grande distribution system - all of these systems use cookies and can not exist without them. And without the user's consent will not be able to continue la grande distribution their use.
Part of the requirements of the EU is a requirement for detailed information to users about what cookies are used and how they are processed. In addition, advertising systems meet the requirement to inform the user about why "just this ad" saw. And for advertising la grande distribution there is also another significant change - from May 25 will be in the EU to offer advertising targeted at children.
In the light of the above and taking into account Also the vulnerability of children, the Article 29 Working Party is of the view That ad network providers should not offer interest categories Intended to serve behavioral advertising or Influence children. Good intentions, classically problematic outcome
The original intention of the EU was almost la grande distribution classical - to "protect" the user from being tracked on the Internet was. Regardless of the fact that today's browsers are (for many years) are equipped la grande distribution with the ability to block cookies. la grande distribution And there are browser (or extensions) that specialize on something and enable protect la grande distribution against tracking cookies la grande distribution much better. User is from the perspective of EU conservation course "incompetent" and the need to protect him.
The result is a problem. Existing EU law since 25 May contribute to the Internet unusable and reduce the competitiveness of EU operators of Web sites. They will have to grapple with something to satisfy the law (even though the EU does not yet know how) and it'll cost considerable finance. The EU will have to provide mechanisms to deal with complaints by EU citizens and giving one company the competitive. A float legal mechanisms that enable those who follow the law are also not adequately prosecuted.
Related Articles First Impact "Cracker" of the EU in practice yesterday entered into force "cookie" EU regulations. And now been postponed by a year as varied la grande distribution view on EU cookies, the opt-out to opt-in EU wants to regulate "cookies", but does not know what the European Union wants to give people the "right to be forgotten"
O Daniel Daniel Dočekal (Bradbury) dočekal is an Internet columnist. Most of the current activities dedicated to social networking, la grande distribution web design, content la grande distribution creation, new media, advertising and Internet marketing. Fresh activities include starting, and or redesign Personal, professional, st

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