Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Internationally, in its eagerness to fight communism wherever it might be thought, would not listen

A blog of Brian Cutts music and the occasional irreverent comments about Terres de l'Ebre or present outlet auto ..... music and the odd, hopefully irreverent comment outlet auto on local news and events in southern Catalonia.
To be more balanced than I can begin to say it, England in the 70s was a cul-de-sac, and if it was necessary to modernize the country and some of the things they work. Even seen over time, it is clear that some changes have liked - some liberalization of the labor, which is the way it is easy to lose the job, but it is also true that it is (relatively) easy to find them and if you desire and initiative is possible that life will go well. Remove the bureaucracy and inefficiency of public systems also went well - for example any governance in UK is easy, as it is to launch a company ...
... but all this has social costs too high. We could have done things differently. We could write a book but I will just explain some of the issues for which people hate and have never hated any politician.
Internationally, in its eagerness to fight communism wherever it might be thought, would not listen to public opinion calling for South Africa to cut contacts with quite the end of apartheid, Nelson Mandela and freedom. outlet auto It is also known by his friendships with dictators non-communistes! In Europe, stood up in Brussels and is perhaps one of the reasons why a real Union did not quite work - for better or worse! He took us to war. I always say it was Argentina who started it and it's true, but maybe there was more diplomatic solutions. Perhaps it is true the "legend" of the Americans outlet auto had already warned us about the preparations for the invasion, and waited silently ... but in the end, it was a war and won a war of White or Black, not like now that you never know if you've won. This was the main reason for its popularity.
But for its policies in the country, which has polarized people. Attacked like never before outlet auto on public companies and large industries. First, the steel industry in the South Yorkshire area. Closing and privatizing most of the few profitable companies. Then came the same action with the coal mines. Suddenly tried to close mines with more than 20,000 employees, and then came the secret plans explaining that in a few years, would close all - 150,000 jobs. I'm not saying it must be nice to work in a mine, but the industry was concentrated in specific areas where all families were like someone who worked there - South Yorkshire was again the epicenter. You can not smoke on the street all in 2 days with no alternative. A (necessary? Well, now imported coal at prices much higher!) Modernization of industries, must be accompanied by talks, time, and planning alternatives. But it is clear that the main objective was to finish with the unions (cells of revolutionary Marxists second her, belly-happy just looked up the salaries, according to others ...) and support. Maybe that's why there was no respite to people. Miners saw that not only jeopardize their jobs, but the life of the whole community in these areas, began a strike. A strike that lasted a year, families without charging anything. Where families worked there as parents, grandparents, children, ... where mothers were often in buses to London to beg on the street. The battles between pickets and police were brutal. The police came from the south, to ensure that they had no sympathy with the miners, and were instructed that it was necessary to end the Marxist revolution of the miners! Singing songs is not politically correct outlet auto about women and mothers of the miners, and were ready for a war. Thatcher won. The mines were closed. But his promise that "the market regulates everything" and everyone would work, pos, was a lie. There are people who have never worked, or their children. Cities with everything closed, and people living in public subsidies. The worst is that many people who previously had a work ethic now have wanted outlet auto to live in acostumbrat 4 pesetas which gives the government, and their children have seen that this is "normal" and there is now a whole generation people who want to live in the state. Now Cameron is complaining and wants to cut aid, not realizing that they themselves have killed the spirit of the people. This way of "modernizing" the country, then went on to publish all industries, and some that were half-washable, outlet auto were privatized, under the promise that work best. Lie. Now we have 40,000 privately owned railway, electricity, gas, ... and everything was just as bad, but with unaffordable prices. If

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