Thursday, March 26, 2015

CHANGE FOR YOU: Apps that Dash Lane helps you change your password. (Photo: DASH LANE) Such auto-ge

A hacker group calling itself Lizard Squad created trbbel for Sony PlayStation and the Christmas weekend. On Friday other hackers have stuck with passwords to both PlayStation, Xbox and Amazon. (Photo: ALL OVER PRESS)
Your page Many who were testing games his gifts on PlayStation or Xbox for Christmas experienced trouble. The reason was DDoS (DDoS) which started on Christmas Eve and lasted until Friday. Many assumed that the attacks were related to that Sony still chose to set up the controversial film "The koles Interview". ALSO READ: Change password immediately! North Korean film drama film created strong resentment among the political elite in the state dictator of North Korea, and Sony decided to withdraw the film after hacking and threats of terror. But after President Obama had criticized the withdrawal of the film chose Sony agrees to drop it on both a variety theaters and part flow services online. If the FBI is right that there are North Korean hackers who directly or indirectly behind, it is not inconceivable that the the same hackers also stood for the new attack. ALSO READ: Replacing password or not? Friday it was announced that other hackers (probably without koles political motives) have also stolen account information from a number of large site and services. In addition to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, they also have been joined passwords and card numbers from customers of the online store Amazon, TV service Hulu and a number of other more or less known and mostly American websites. According CNBC, The Daily Dot and several American newspapers are around 13,000 accounts astray. It is not known whether any of these are Norwegian. Nevertheless, it may be smart to change your password right now, to be on the safe side. It is anyway a good rule to change your password at least once a year, if not more often. ALSO READ: Easier to change your password Creating passwords yourself or let others do it? Many user passwords app on your mobile for storing user information's. koles These apps can often also create passwords for you with random letters and numbers. Password apps SuperGenPass, LastPass and Dash Lane stock even unique passwords for each site.
CHANGE FOR YOU: Apps that Dash Lane helps you change your password. (Photo: DASH LANE) Such auto-generated passwords with random letters and characters are still very difficult to remember. Fortunately, many of the apps a straightforward autofill feature that lets you do not need it. Some sites (often banks) with high security koles does not allow passwords from outdoors. Thus you must write whatever passwords manually. ALSO READ: Unique passwords for all websites Choose something familiar and make it difficult if you choose to create passwords themselves should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess. A combination of one or more familiar concepts and names are fine. But remember to put in some numbers at random locations and vary with uppercase and lowercase letters. For example: Navnet8På55Hytta6Mi23 then trade a little bit about the numbers and / or sequence of words / names when it is time to change your password. It is often easier to remember a combination koles of fixed and variable elements than one number and letter combination you do not associate anything with. Different passwords for different websites, you should not use the same base for passwords at different places. If you like the example above uses hut as a starting point on one website, you can for example koles use the name of a place you've been (preferably not a traveling back to every year) as the basis for another. So put your numbers and they vary large and small letters. Most pro-hackers operating from countries where it is not spoken koles Norwegian. Thus, they can be a security in itself to use rotnorske concepts and names starting point. Remember though, æ, ø and å inadmissible everywhere as part of the password.
ONE PASSWORD EVERYWHERE: There are programs that know which password you use where. You only need to remember one master koles password. (Photo: ALL OVER PRESS / PL JOAKIM koles OLSEN) Many online services have limits on the number of characters you can use. Most have a minimum limit of eight characters, while others (such as PayPal) has an upper limit of 20 characters. ALSO READ: Simple and smart solution koles to password problem This gets you often told, but not always. It may therefore be wise to know this before you store password. Often you also know your password is strong enough or not. Follow the above rules, you should be on the safe side here. Follow the account may also be smart to f &

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