Monday, December 1, 2014

Finally, the hangover I had it, and had to make do. Maybe my status update anticipated somehow the

I'm on Cabildo, up to Puente Saavedra. I come back to the agency where I took tickets for Valeria del mar, a coastal military road outlets town where I'm going in a dozen a while to Atlantic Ocean. I cross the avenue and I see a guy walking on the grass of a wide sidewalk, he cleans his shoes. This image reminds me of another: a dream scrap of the night, military road outlets which I was not remembered this morning upon awakening that many images were returned to me, I took off my shoes, shoes rather high, almost boots, in which there was a ton of sand. I was shaking, but it was still sand. Likely imminent Valeria and the call of the beach make resurface some ancient military road outlets rivagière experience also likely that this is linked to yesterday, poor feet, and three hours standing in front of the giant screen of the Plaza San Martin and the two or three hours surveying the city center between Retiro and Recoleta, and eventually take the subway, the gams stewed until Palermo with top Spanish restaurant that would make us forget the horrible military road outlets croque monsieur the pregame McDonalds but kept shirk our strides bogeymen and the memory of my anfitriona. On the way to the restaurant, the question must be asked: what do you eat? The response is slow, but I manage to find precisely what would satisfy me, rabbit with rosemary with some seasonal vegetables, simply put, an image extirpated from deep in my taste memory and in Buenos Aires did not look to be the most obvious to find. I think back to McDonalds where we were packed like oysters twenty minutes before kick-off in the company of 200 Argentine screaming at top speed Brasil decimated their famous qué siente is singing the anthem with his hand on his chest while women with babies about to vanish tried in vain to go down a level for a few steps to the street to get some air after the stifling sauna Ronald uncle. Meanwhile, poured a real human tide that filled the space of the Plaza San Martin. But we had to keep well, although it was rather hard. Indeed, I was recovering with difficulty from a hangover that had made me seriously hesitate to join the 10 or 20 thousand Argentine overexcited on one of the City Centre places. Bueeeno, we have a birthday once a year, and if it's military road outlets premium Verne Club whose menu is inspired by the works of the old Jules, do not deprive yourself. Still it would have been smart of me to fill my stomach a bit before attacking, the day before, retro cocktails Boss.
Finally, the hangover I had it, and had to make do. Maybe my status update anticipated somehow the hangover of the Argentine people after the match? It is likely that the pain of defeat was much more serious and heavier than expected, but that I did learned today because last night, we did not go to the Obelisco, we sought a Spanish restaurant in Palermo, which turned off, and we were about to say goodbye to he looks better tortilla of the city, about the exchange against a good old hamburger bar when arose an Italian whose first dish of the card was a coniglio alla caciattora. Che, exactly what I needed! It's been awhile since I had not chipped bone and sucked my fingers at the restaurant ... Neither in the taxi home, where a filthy recovery Patience Guns turning or at home where I would never have had the idea to take a look at the local news, I could not realize the mess that was happening on the 9 de Julio at the same time: scenes of destruction, looting and vandalism, water tanks and tear gas bombs. After the party disaster. A fringe of the same rogues who had stood unhurriedly bilou during the match had turned into giant's first, causing incredible pictures: TVs covering the events, showing live live impotence and slowness with which the authorities intervened .dropoff window And among all the video images, the absurd where we see a guy sitting quietly on a chair flew in the middle of the avenue, taking Selfie with his mates, which will certainly end up very quickly on social networks. Cualquiera, great no imp '. This morning, the press is securities

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