Sunday, April 12, 2015

I just wana thank everyone for taking the time out of yall busy lifes to read my post, and i would l

I just wana thank everyone for taking the time out of yall busy lifes to read my post, and i would like to epand my readers, so if you dont mind can you plz just spread the word about my posting & e.t.c because i wud really appreciate it deeply & i hope none of you take my blogs to offence b/c i do speak my mind and keeps it official.........Love,Peace,Live Yours truly, Ms.Annonymous :-*
Okay!!! So check this hot stuff out. I am a former employee at Cookies Department Store located in Downtown,BK on fulton st, as you see i have the pics of the uniform & stuff to prove it so listen to this.....about westfarms mall hours 2mnths ago i go thier to apply for a job, so they hired me and all i had to do was fill out this b.s form and watch a company video & boom i started the same day. They also gave me the store eployee westfarms mall hours manual to read up on the rules & rgulations but thier was one problem wit that, the manual was from 2009 huh!!?..yea i know its crazy right because i sworn we was in 2010 at the time so why are u giving out a copy of a manual from 2009 but anyways.... So on that note they have one of the staff members show me around the store & then he placed me down stairs in the boys departent. So now i meet the floor mangeger for the boys department westfarms mall hours and he doesnt even introduce himself to me, all he says is "o your new, stand thier and find somthin to do and help customers"..i thought that was very un professional and rude. So as my days and mnth went by i started realizing westfarms mall hours more and more stuff about what went on thier. westfarms mall hours Also that department store have 3 main manegers/supervisors and i only knew who one of them was which was the one that hired me, i figured when you hire someone you should show them and introduce them to all of the main people for future refrences because thats the proffessional thing to do. So the first wk when i finally got paid they messes my check up by spellingmy last name wrong, westfarms mall hours so i went to the manager and he said they were gona fix it so that whole time i was cashing the check @ the store. okay!! two more checks go by and my last name is still spelled rong, so now he tells me "o idk why they didnt fix it yet" and then the last previous check that i recieved they couldnt find it. So now im feelin very furious and now im asking questions and thier tellin me to go to this other main manager that works thier that i never even seen or heard of before because there saying how he did the checks this time...So im going around asking other employeese who is he and how he looks so then they finally showed him to me. So i go up to the guy and ask him and now he goes in the office makes me sign this fake behind and then go back in the office and come out with 220$ cash and gives it to me and said sorry about that it would never happen again and he says he fixed my check and hands me the cash. That had me thinking to myself wat type of crap and game do these managers be runnin on these people becuz im not likin this. Also all of the employees like the cashiers and sales staff are 100% female and it seems like all the females westfarms mall hours ages 19-25 work down stairs in the boys department and i kind of felt that was odd. Also the males that do work thier does maintnance,security and watch over us. & on top of that all of the staff members that work thier are either from the carrabiean or india. Most of the staff members thier are up here illegally and dont even have green cards and some dont even speak full english.. wat type of ish is that. Then you be on your feet for a good 7-10 hrs and only get a quick 30min lunch break and even if your a min late thier deducting that out of your check. Also this previous westfarms mall hours holiday season we have been working over 40 hrs of over time and remind you im a part time worker so im not suppose to be doing over 30hrs and then when pay day came everyone was shortend of thier money. Now lets talk about the men that work thier, all of the men that work thier are either, hatian,jamican,or african. Like i said they all do security and watch over us but it seems like they have the watchen over us thing a lil mixed up. They either would constantly stare at you or try to have sexual conversations with you. Every day thier was one of them flirting with me or tryna ask me out or somthing and reminf you most of these men are over 30. Then around the time we had our christmas party most if them and including the manager and some of the sales staff were drinking while still helping and serving costumers. And yes ive witnessed all of this with my own eyes. So now new years eve come and while i was working assisting customers ive noticed most of the staff in the boys department was gone so i went in the back and they were having there own lil private party drinkin and stuff. The floor manager was the main one offering some of the girls drink and most of these girls is under 21 and two of the girls got sick,throwing up and passed out drunk in the back room while the floor maneger tries to hug up on most

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