Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Paloka: Crime will not happen NSE vrassi t would not have the protection of Edi Rams

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Paloka: Crime will not happen NSE vrassi t would not have the protection of Edi Rams
Translate scandal, Basha: More medal of shame. Rama reacts: Evil has no place among us TIRAN -Olimpiada br Balkan garnet hill kids because q is prime Rama n t replikoje opozits distance with the head of Basha and respond to related Sarands scandal. Originally Premier Rama horn in a Facebook status for the Balkan Olympiad t Informatiks where Albania be received bronze medals. Status received a response from the head of opozits, Basha who mocked the prime minister for Sarands case. "Albania bronze medal in the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics - a cordial applause for the protagonists", wrote Rama on Facebook. It was enough that the DP's leader Lulzim garnet hill kids Bashan in a post "Facebook" to write that medal goes prime Rama shame for the system that he built. "Medal of shame goes all Ramspr Edi system that he built. Ikrkimit to Favorites sexual scandal with a minor t n t kmbim a job, zyrne happened in the Socialist Party. N zyrne power that function under the frymne oligarchy. garnet hill kids Medal of shame goes all Rams Edi, who continues to comply with the event that has shocked garnet hill kids and angry mbar societies, while he finds no time to second distance. But how can he distance himself from a great extent unscrupulous abuzuesish that are in fact his alterego "-writes Basha. At this point the reply of Rama hastened Facebook. In a Twitter status garnet hill kids in FaceboobRama writes that police arrested the perpetrator, office of the deputy while the SP emphatically distanced eprjashtoi garnet hill kids within dits. Rama says that evil party and there is no place in SP and government. M further accuses the opposition that he is enjoying kt scandal. "Police arrest. Office of the Deputy preraz distance. SP eprjashton. All within dits! For the evil party and there is no place among us. DP Courses by riprtypur relishes in mensne SHQUP's where prdit cooked a dish of political eflliqur old ult #VajmedetPD garnet hill kids "- writes Rama. One day m par News24 broadcast an exclusive garnet hill kids video showing that as deputy secretary Koo Kokdhima ikrkonte qytetareje t just a 14-year girl for sexual favors garnet hill kids n k mbim to a job. Agron Cane, former military, married and with two the child has a ZYR in the Socialist Party in degne Sarands where many citizens rndom run for their social problems. Thus also the case of citizen EG, which has knocked in zyrne Agron Cane with intentions that the latter somehow n t help resolving garnet hill kids the plight great t m t her, finding a job. Once the requirements addressed, what was shocking for Cane ikrkoi wife. "Vajzne t somewhat developed, there are hormones. Bj should have sex with me. BNI can t have sex with me either. Un, you and the girl will ride the bed to three. N control TND it would be your nxnsja, so phoned to come, I look forward un "- are some of fjaltq Cane has spoken woman. ( db / an / Brakes)
Other Links CA: employment offices are in brothel new look, t dorhiqet garnet hill kids Veliaj PS: Basha t give resignation, politicized event in Saranda DP: With Ramna, offices SP et governs workshops are br abuse scandal in Saranda, Topi: The phenomenon garnet hill kids known in employment politikne scandal in Saranda, Berisha: T rise with the motto "To qelbsirat banish garnet hill kids "DP: widening scandals, Edi Rama srish silent scandal of pedophilia, Basha: Medal of shame goes all Edi Rams scandal in Saranda, CA: Bordello of employment, immorality and Skandalii corruption pedophilia, Agron-EG before arrest: Kot m denounces, I will not dnohem FULL EXCLUSIVE VIDEO News24 / Scandal, Secretary Kokdhims job offers in kmbim t sex with 14-vjearen Back Home Print Send w Review
Drguar fromshkelzen, Albania n m 18-08-2014 10:50 payments are very varied, with euro money, or in kind. The biggest change was expected by some lying has come, for now do not have to pay in kind women who will be employed, but their minor daughters. You should know that an adult relationship with a minor, even with the latter's consent, constitutes a criminal offense in the whole world. So far we have seen criminally convicted in administration and parliament, but now finally touched ...
Drguar fromshkelzen, Albania n m 18-08-2014 10:45 O Shkelzeno, the issue of

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