Wednesday, November 5, 2014

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Xhuvani friend: Constantine had no money for cocaine, as happens here killings
Translate T Sabbath Assembly of DP's. Here are the changes in ADP Statute TIRANA where National Assembly of the Democratic Party will meet from 27 m and 28 September in Tirana. DP where National Assembly convenes after intensive process new n t t party elections in level sections, and degsh grupseksionesh in all districts of the country. 1) N last paragraph to Article 8, added togfjalshi "and / or instructions of the Presidency's DPA's". 2) After Article 13, Section 13/1 with prmbajtje added below as follows: "Article 13/1 Registry Membership 1. For identification of the members of the party Democratic Baaz Membership Registry was established in electronic format, which contains t dhnat antarte eprditsuara PRT registered in all democratic parties . 2. Rules for the format of the register hollsishme, office works brisbane management and access of its decision to the President prcaktohen to party ". 3) N Section 18 bhen these changes: 1. Item 3 is amended as follows below: "3. Section addresses office works brisbane and prfaqsohet of his Presidency, as a rule eprbr from 3 up to 7 member, varsi n t t section number of the members according to any defined rules of admission note to the Presidency's party. 2. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows below: "4. Presidency elected, four years, to vote secretly, by meeting all the members of the section s, according to the principle 'One member office works brisbane of a VOT. The number of candidates who need to jet innshtrohen voting twice slim t m greater than the number of seats in the Presidency. " 4. Item 5 is amended as follows below: "5. President and Secretary are elected will nnkryetari four years, to vote secretly, by meeting all the members of the section s, according to the principle 'One member of a VOT' . The number of candidates who innshtrohen voting pact should jet to two for every position. Can not be elected President more than twice m row ". 4) N Section 19, third sentence of piks 4 is repealed. 5) N Section 21 bhen these changes: a) Paragraph 1 is amended as follows below: "1. Degs Assembly is the body m above her. Degsprbhet Assembly: a) The Presidency of degs; b) t degs Kryetartet all sections, and those sections sekretarte over 50 members who have registered to ditne development t t t Degs Assembly; c) Chairman and sekretarte office works brisbane grupseksioneve t degs; d) Commissions antarte t t Degs Appeal; office works brisbane e) The heads of departments and sekretarte degs; f) t antarte Kshillit where National Democratic Party, who prfaqsojn degn or are residing in degnprkatse; g) Deputette Democratic Party in the Albania Parliament, q prfaqsojn degn or are residing in degnprkatse; h) local njsive Kryetarte t degs (county, municipality or municipalities and municipal units) and kryetartekshillave municipality or municipal, to the Democratic Party; i) Representatives of partner organizations to choose, LDG and FRPD. Number iprfaqsuesve for each partner organization is up to 5% of all the members of the number prgjithshmt any defined in letters emsip RME t ksaj point. b) The first sentence of piks 4 is amended as follows below: "DPA degss Assembly office works brisbane elects and perpetrators degs, Degs Appeal Commission to decide office works brisbane for t t rndsishme Affairs, as well as other task assigned will prmbush with DPA's decision to Presidency ". 6) N Section 22 bhen these changes: 1. N t shkronjs second paragraph "a", t piks 1, togfjalshit "trezorieri of degs" Mr. vendsohet with togfjalshin "Financial Board Chairman, kryetarte paprfaqsuara grupseksioneve t n degs perpetrators, as well as President of LDG and FRPD". 2. At the bottom of piks 1 1/1 points added with this prmbajtje: "1/1. N Board meeting is called PRT degs DHN's opinion about the discussion Affairs n t degs heads of departments. " 7) N paragraph 3, to Article 24, togfjalshi "militant jet structures" is replaced with togfjalshin "functioning organizational structures." 8) The last sentence of piks 2, t Section 30 is repealed. 9) At the end of section 33 the following paragraphs as the following: "Departments; Functional secretary; Orientation to Policy Committee ". 10) Paragraph 2 of Article 34 is amended as follows below: "2. Where National Assembly consists of: a) Democratic Party Kryetarte t sections and those sections that sekretarte

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