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News Sports Culture Entertainment Tours adventure TTX
18 May 2008 17:03 Berlin - Reuters
As we already clarks village wrote about the former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who was strongly affected by global politics, Kohl is also fighting for his life. 79 the age is in hospital in Heidelberg, where the sound of the unfortunate consequences of a fall in which he suffered a severe head injury. Despite the disease, however, is what the hospital ten days ago married a 43-year-old economist Maike Richter. clarks village
According to reports from the German media, which should be referred to the Kohlove friends, he is a former chancellor wanted to early marriage, it is not sure how long he will live. He married "brilliant" economist that she could not resist since the first meeting. clarks village This is the last year to replace its function within the European Union.
Kohl, the German Government, which led sixteen clarks village years, the longest by Otto von Bismarck, in the meantime, took care of merging the two Germanys and the formation of the European Union. After he lost the 1998 election, he was a member for four years, then in 2002, is no longer a candidate in the elections and he retired.
Financial scandal affected his reputation now has 78-year-old statesman, before retiring clarks village to cope with even of corruption scandals linked to the financing of its customers. Despite the threat, it can happen to imprisonment not released the names of donors his party, which has lost prestige in a large number of his followers. Imprisonment is nevertheless avoided and only had to pay a fine.
Just before that - in 2001 - his wife Hannelore, which has been married clarks village 41 years, after several years of struggle clarks village with fotodermatitisom clarks village - disease of the skin caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, committed suicide. Kohl does not enjoy the life of a pensioner, as it is the current Chancellor Angela clarks village Merkel after the election invited to participate in her Cabinet and it is before going to the hospital to help in taking difficult political decisions.
In July 2001, he released the autobiography, in which he described his life until 1982, when he became chancellor. Three years later, clarks village 28 December 2004, the catastrophic earthquake stranded in Sri Lanka, where he helped much on the local army with its aviation.
A major impact on the European Union German newspapers published the news that Kohl recently lent its name to the Centre clarks village for European Studies, which is to be opened shortly also. Last year, he was awarded the Gold Medal of the European Jean Monnet Foundation for his contribution to European unity.
Otherwise, it is also a member of the Club of Madrid, which promotes the importance of democracy and the transformation of globalization. At its policies are strongly clarks village influenced by deceased U.S. President Ronald Regan and the already mentioned a retired British Prime Minister Thatcher.
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