Monday, March 17, 2014

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27 May 2009 (last changed: 2:00 May 27, 2009)
Ljubljana - Riders on the 92 Giro d'Italia will be raced today in Della Majella National Park, in yet another unusual stage, only 77 kilometers long. A race from the sea to the mountains (1631 meters high), even truncated due to excessive amounts of snow with imagined Blockhaus (2064 m) will not recreation. In the last 17 kilometers, as in the microwave hot Apennines to 1300 meters of altitude.
After a day of rest, which brings upheaval will force unpredictable. Danilo Di Luca has the second-last chance to raise Denis Menchov. The last words he did not say nor Carlos canadian tire flyer toronto Sastre. For Leipheimerja canadian tire flyer toronto and Astana, Basso and Liquigas Pellizottija and will be an opportunity for revenge. Tadej Valjavec, which is uphill a bit awkward, as it will probably be much tactical change of pace, hoping that nothing would be lost and perhaps to consolidate Vesuvius in the top ten for Rome.
Home will be a weekend marked the festival of cycling in Kranj with the most prestigious one-day race in Slovenian, 42 GP Kranj. The organizers of BC companies were the largest race of the UCI high first category in Slovenia, with a new asphalt under Storžičem (Tenetiše-Preddvor), changed the route. They made it more selective, it will be even more suited to all-round rider, as they have in the home Savi (Kerkez, Furdi, Švab). A further alignment corresponds to last year's winner Greg Bole, who was with Amica Chips team this year, picked up the two biggest victory Slovenian riders and is also among the Slovenes at the top of the world rankings. Bole has a strong team boss Igor Martinelli also Astarloo, the first former world champion road race, which will (if) came in Kranj. Other former holder of the rainbow T-shirts to time trial, which is promising, the Ukrainian Sergei Gonchar. Depending on the specialty is also interesting team Carmioro Jure Kocjan and Spaniard Ventosom.
After the reputation of the elite first team Liquigas, which comes with a large specialist facilities such Bennatijem Daniel, who has won 47 races between profiji, even at Giro, Tour and Vuelta. It is interesting that the "plinarje" Vila Triglav on Pokljuka these days, hosting Tadej Valjavec. From the home teams Hauptmanova Radenska account to Mitja Mahorič, MOTOMAT Powered canadian tire flyer toronto Hand on Jerse, Adria Mobil to Marko Kump, Sava certainly the first to Mateja old. "Form?'s Not bad. When it comes to knife through those klančke will be fun. I do not care whether or not to bring in Kranj front big or small group. Benn and Checchi If you come, but Ventoso, will be interesting," race 17 teams from 22 countries last year announcing a hero Grega Bole. The two-day program will force varied, with Sunday's canadian tire flyer toronto race through the streets of Kranj, for the first time with a completely female race.
Austrian cyclist Bernhard Kohl professional, who in November last year due to abuse of the new generation of blood doping (CERA) at last year's Tour de France earned a two-year ban on speaking, today ended his career. Sedemindvajsetletnik in October canadian tire flyer toronto last year admitted consumption of doping, when the Tour de ... More
Spaniard Alejandro Valverde, winner canadian tire flyer toronto of the Tour of Catalonia, which is considered as the point of the Pro Tour. Member of the team Caisse d'Epargne after seven stages canadian tire flyer toronto for 15 seconds beat Irishman Daniel Martin (Garmin - Slipstream), and the third was another Spaniard, Haimar Zubeldia canadian tire flyer toronto (Astana), which is retarded more
Former French canadian tire flyer toronto cycling star Laurent Jalabert will now be connected with cycling in the role of a selector. The French Cycling Federation has is a representative appointed chief coach will be responsible for both this year's World Cup in Switzerland as preparations for the Olympic Games in More
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