Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Renee Zellweger:

Washington cities: "My husband has seen her lately very tzoveno. Where did you find him lose, something endlessly extended trains will stop trying, and will play a fugitive, running away from mouskoulato Ryan (not the Gosling that m ' Like, the other with the dumb face, Reynolds). Even Valentine, brought basketball to see what xeneroua? Fortunately nominated for Oscar this year and almost see little joy in bed. But you, 5am the announcement of the nominations? Since I am not a morning squareone person too. again Now when I do not know .... ".
Alex Kingston: "Okay not see us so ready for the fashion police a thing. Was still 90s and blondes squareone brostofratzes of Ralph, was hot. Unfortunately I no longer am Mrs Fiennes from 1997, but what do you want? Oton the Ralph learned that will play in "ER", I said with erudite, Shakespeare style "to be or not to be?". At first I did not understand, but when then continued "... with George Clooney?", I realized that the third finger was already among us. The last time I saw him was in the above award, squareone when he gave me this wonderful chrysafizon cover the couch of his mother. At first I was happy, but when I saw the photo, I realized that Ralph had taken the revenge and that would be the end. better, now that I saw him in "Coriolanus", like skiachtika my little guys .... ".
Nadine Trentinian: "Oh for Jean I can only say the best, especially when I think about the good times, when we lived Parisian romance and we were young and full of life. Wanted plenty of guts Jean, to star in a so blatantly real and not at all unlikely to happen, as the film "Amour" of Haneke, although squareone like our love will never be anything. Ever since we broke up, I've thrown in the writing and production, while the meremetakia over me, helping me I always remember the nights Jean psythirize my ear, "zantor Unit Amur." Behind my dark glasses, I remember crying ... ".
"Eros and nonsense! Who has time and loves flowers, once it builds unpredictable career like mine? And the sect leader when do lotteries, and the tight-lipped uncle (and win and nomination for Oscar, tssss), not tell the ypersexouala Mark in "The squareone Sessions". Where to find the time for women and such Nauman? 54chrono I am a child once, and I have plenty of time in front of my family and xeskatismata. If you ask me, however, something in Helen Hunt will not spoil ... Hmmm ... Does that na'cho put the phone this Psychoulas squareone ... ".
"We are currently not interested in anything else apart from all those saientologikes Papatzis who put into my mind by my real master, Paul Thomas Anderson. Do not know if I would be able to regain woman to represent my new beliefs, one that waver anymore between a career enlightened leader, and I turn my rapper and singer. Currently I am in communication with J. Lo, combining two into one. Something must know ... ". squareone
Rebecca Miller: "Daniel was always devoted to the roles of more than she is to me, to the extent that once I threatened him that if you do not start with more attentive, squareone they will appear on the red carpet with wool meatball. And you know what did? She put plaid, mustard suit and appeared with this misery. When I asked him why he just told me, "but my baby, trying to get into the skin of Wes Anderson". Yeah, such a mess! Let's put at least this year, honorary ... Since then, I've stopped trying and going to awards like fashionista that I am, preferring the 'style clown' to setarizomaste least there. I've put in place and insidious plan. I'll go door to door and ask the directors to put him to play my husband, hopefully squareone see any white day, but when I told him, began again to move something with butcher knife in the house and cut rib.'m desperate .... ".
Renee Zellweger: "After the collaboration Brantouli cursed me with another Horse of Lawrence, things have changed between us. There waiting to make my marriage proposal, and I had already put in a program to lose 5, 678 grams , I heard Brad talking to someone on the phone, and by featuring "BONE"! Me that I have made so many sacrifices, they gave up a great career, and I'm home all day to cook the broccoli and cauliflower likes. But No, this will change mantra.'ll put vyzo and climb two spots on butt, so to see that there are we! None Lawrence! want to be again the only crazy who will follow him

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