Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An injunction prosecutors demanded the Super Via the end of religious preaching inside trains in Ri

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This is a subject that touches me a lot because often walked the train and came across preachers. The Justice of Rio de Janeiro forbade the holding of religious services in the wagons of trains run by SuperVia. The decision determined that SuperVia should know about the possible use of force in case of disobedience, under penalty of a daily fine of $ 5,000.
Bellowing in speakers, outlet shopping threats of eternal damnation to those who do not convert to the Church of loudmouth, reading Bible verses completely out of context, announcements of the presence of Satan on all sides: the Carioca worker finally be free from this hell.
An injunction prosecutors demanded the Super Via the end of religious preaching inside trains in Rio de Janeiro. According to the prosecutor who issued the injunction "... no one is obliged to submit indiscriminately to religious doctrines." Now, workers can read newspapers, books or even talk in time to go back and work without being obliged to hear the litany outlet shopping of fanatics who are not content with their faith, but they want to impose it on everyone.
7 - Allow the preaching of a religion on the train can generate various problems. If I get on a train and leaving outlet shopping a job with chicken, crumbs and popcorn, I'll be hurting anyone anyway. The people have the right not to listen in the same way that it has the right not to want to look and smell a spiritualist work.
10 - Transportation is public. Therefore, by allowing religious preaching in turn trains the State stepping stone to that religious groups do their proselytizing. In other words, the trains saw a vehicle paid by all for some groups profiting aliciem and new believers. 10 reasons to be against the ban of religious preaching on trains
While agreeing that many - I can not say that they are all - preachers talk nonsense, I can not allow them to have their freedom of speech suppressed. outlet shopping If we allow that violate the rights of others today, tomorrow we can not complain when the suppress us.
Federal Constitution Article 5. VI - is inviolable freedom of conscience and religion, the free exercise of religious cults and guaranteed the protection of places of worship and their rites being provided in the form of law;
Our Constuição guarantees freedom of belief, being forbidden to deprive someone from doing free exposure of their belief. While not agreeing with the absurdities that some preachers preach, I must oppose censorship in its proselytizing. The same way that someone has the right to speak against religion trains, religious can make use of their freedom of speech to defend what they believe.
Even those who do not like or hate the message of Christ knows he is a Christian's duty to proselytizing their faith. By being deprived of doing what their religion indicates the make, the preacher will be seen as persecuted because of their faith. In fact, this measure prohibits people Hajam according to their religion, thus violating their consciences.
We all know that this measure only aims to reach evangelicals (Pentecostals to be exact). Just as the Pentecostals are wont to preach the trains, only they will be constrained by this censorship. While this refers to all religions, is camouflaged intended to silence the voice of a particular religious group. Very comfortable mitigate the rights of others; deconfortável same is when the curtailed their rights.
Everyone has the right not to listen to what we do not want to hear? Not! Every day we all hear, read, smell and see things that displease us. It is why we forbid what is not to our liking. If so everything that does not please the majority would be prohibited. In a democracy the rights and freedom of all is guarded by law, including minorities.
There is no doubt that the work of preachers outlet shopping cause more harm than good to their religion. Never met anyone that has been converted by a preacher train. Quite the contrary, I always listened to opinions hatred of believers disrespect they would do with the passengers. While agreeing that they are bad and help corroborate the prejudice against them, I'm not the one who should protect other people's opinions. If a particular group wants to do something that is harmful, suffering the consequences.
What these preachers do is just sell their religion, often without receiving outlet shopping anything in return. What is clear is that people can advertise any idea or philosophical thought, as long as it is not riddled with any religious statement. Ma

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