Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Search VECHNA sites esk republika Praha Jihoesk South Moravian KARLOVARSKÁ Krlovehradeck LIBERECKÁ

Hello, which helped me, I would ask if mmnrok cora arad to nhradu cestovnch marry vrmci community vppad, ev contract of employment mm given m hundred and effective treatment PRCE "Prague" and not specified ble "regular hardworking" in the contract nen. I got into zamstnn in which I often ride pomrn zaizovat RZN working activities, but only vrmci Prague. Interests m Thus, if these paths can chtt the employer paid.
According to 34a zkonku LABOUR salary, e-nen If the employment contract sjednno regular hardworking for purposes cestovnch nhrad, salary, e by regular hardworking town is PRCE effective treatment in the labor contract. If the bag is msto effective treatment LABOUR sjednno eji not one village, povauje for the regular hardworking community in which nejastji for Leaders of roads employee for elem effective treatment LABOUR. Regularly industrious for purposes cestovnch nhrad must not bt sjednno eji no one community.
In your employment contract but is specified town Prague, TUD and Vae by regular cora arad hardworking reason the town Prague. The first term is regular hardworking KLOV for assessing ppadnch nrok to travel nhrady. Toti under 156 ANSL. zkonku LABOUR emergence of Employees cora arad nrok to travel nhrady only vppad business or travel outside of regular cora arad working. In everything ppad do not, or outside pravidelnho hardworking (Prague) will not ride. For this reason it would be for Vs nejvhodnj if you are the employer agrees you change the employment contract, in which you have arranged regular hardworking konkrtn (exact address) cora arad and travel to Prague by Vm employer cora arad proplcel. Otzkou OVEM is whether the employer pistoup such an agreement.
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Search VECHNA sites esk republika Praha Jihoesk South Moravian KARLOVARSKÁ Krlovehradeck LIBERECKÁ the Moravian-Silesian Olomouc Pardubice Plzesk Stedoesk Steck Vysoina Zlnsk continents Europe Africa cora arad Asia Australia Jin America North America
When advoktn clerk employer must meet podmnku psemn vzvy or psemnho note Before podnmvpovdi If the wage sjednna PMO in the employment contract, the employer j nen oprvnn unilaterally vary Nrok severance pi skonen pracovnho aspect zdvodu organizan changes per hour non LABOUR NLE Employees pplatek in vi 20% prmrnho hodinovho elevation view VECHNA questions Vloit question

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