Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally came the big

Finally came the big "Optimus Alive". The poster needs no introduction being one of the strongest this year (in my opinion even better), receiving excellent reviews in both inside and outside the country. However there were some mishaps, including the cancellation of "Cansei de Ser Sexy" and "Nouvelle Vague", but it was not why the party has withered. I'll put some of the photos and videos I took over these days. Unfortunately my machine is not very good and can only record a minute each time. I will also advise to anyone who is interested to take a look at the already Smell samadhi which is loaded with photos (I even "steal one or two" do not come to take away) and event videos. At the entrance memorial city mall stores are very well received by a band playing on top of the gate. A really memorial city mall stores interesting idea and it is my impression some members were of the Ramp? In particular singer? After a very slow entrance were finally in the room. In addition to the concerts there were other interests, including an exhibition of Cartoon's "Guard memorial city mall stores Richard" I'll talk later when writing about the third day, a tent Batman memorial city mall stores and the show "Optimus Oasis By The Do Lab".
Picture taken from already Smell Samadhi Starting with the Batman tent, was a real disappointment. There were no products on sale and it was only possible to run the foyer premiere tickets via bluetooth phone, memorial city mall stores I have not. Only offered a letter from Joker and who was interested could see trailers, previews and interviews inside the tent (it was not my case). But all was not bored when it comes to Batman, because there was something called "Psycho Swing" for those who walked that seems to have been quite fun. The idea was to get enough momentum to take a 360 turn. You can see a video I recorded with the Cube walking. For the next she promised to give full turn. What I find more fun in this video is the music of "Kalashnikov" as a soundtrack. Kalashnikov began playing when we were entering the enclosure. It is a project that I have followed minimally and have not seen a concert with all the attention, because even missed the rise of Fernando Ribeiro of "Moonspell" onstage. Many profanity, political memorial city mall stores and guitar served to entertain and announce that today was a day to "guerrillas". Optimus Oasis By The Do Lab A mystic garden as well and was dubbed by the organization. A space with music and lots of water that served to cool the body. For the 10th the heat was immense. Moreover it was the place where the "Lucent Dossier memorial city mall stores Vaudeville Cirque" had his show. The next band Galactic in "Stage Optimus" were the Galactic. Knew nothing of his work despite having edited several albums. They were a bit out of context in this poster and would make more sense to have eg the "Vampire Weekend" at this stage. However from what little I have seen, liked his rhythms of funk and soul and is a project investigating. Sons Of Albion Running the "Metro on Stage" even saw a bit of the action of the "Sons of Albion" band son of Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin. A performance memorial city mall stores received very warm by the public, probably because we were all waiting for the "Vampire Weekend." Vampire Weekend Here began the difficult decisions because while the "Vampire" played the "Spiritualized". We chose the band we knew better and we received an excellent service. The New York band was very well received and it was notorious in his own praise memorial city mall stores singer of the Portuguese public. The National More a choice to be made, National? or MGMT? Are different genres and whether we like both there is always a style that runs in the veins more. Here's why the choice was not difficult, walked for months looking forward to see them. They still had three bands in front so I already memorial city mall stores knew they were not going to play long. was interesting however the idea of the "The National" touch during the "Sunset", by Matt Berninger joked about it when asked if the sun had set. I liked the fact that they have alternating between melodic songs and energetic. Lovely to see Padma Newsome always fantastic with any instrument he picked up. Great music over the usual sympathy Matt Berninger memorial city mall stores that even thanked the letter he received from a fan, made this a concert to remember. However it became clear that a band that gets much play in a more intimate space and not so much in this spirit Festival. Gogol Bordello With the cancellation of "Cansei De Ser Sexy" was not necessary to go on forays from a stage to another and gave to calmly watch the great spectacle that "Gogol Bordello" in porpocionaram undoubtedly one of the best concerts this "Alive" has been for me the biggest surprise of the festival, since it does not know them. The Hives Another concert

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