The article contains a review of the outlet La Vallee Village Outlet near Paris, a description of the Village of how to get to the Village, a list of stores and brands Outlet La Vallée Village, a link to the official site and map Outlet La Vallee Village Outlet (La Vallee Outlet Village). La Vallee Outlet Village is a 40 kilomentrah from the center of Paris, close to Paris Disneyland Park.
By car: leave the motorway A4 at the congress 12.1 and follow camazon the signs to La Vallée Village. By public transport: The most convenient way to get to the Village of Paris is on the suburban train line A (RER). Even if you need to go first to the conventional meters, total ticket (metro and suburban train) in one direction will cost 6.55 euros. You need a stop Val d 'Europe. It is the last stop on this branch (the latter - Disneyland Park). At the station, immediately you will see signs for the outlet, which way to go. It will be necessary to cross along the huge shopping center Val d'Europe camazon (something like Moscow's Mega). Outlet stands literally the roof to the roof with this shopping center. Getting lost is impossible. The express bus from Paris (2 flights daily). Departure from Paris at 9:30 am (arrival at the outlet 10-15) and 12.30 (arrival at the outlet 13-15) at 2, rue des Pyramides, (Pyramides Metro lines 7 and 14). Departure from the Village at 14-30 (arrival in Paris in 15-15) and 17-00 (arrival 18-15). Adult ticket (round trip) costs 22 euros, children (under 11 years) 11. (By the way, some sites have seen information that the ticket costs 22 euros one way, it is not.) Bus ticket you need in advance (before 17.00 the day before departure) book online or by phone Also in the outlet offer to buy a ticket for the bus back to Paris in just 7 euros if you show receipts for purchases in excess of the outlet 100 euros.
Outlet is a network of outlets Chic Outlet Shopping camazon (I already wrote about this network Outlet Fidenza (Milan) and La Roca (Barcelona). One street L-shaped form, along which there are about 120 stores. camazon About half - a French brand. Very good availability of public transport, if you drive from Paris. By the way, the French have a buzzword is no outlet, and drain. Sometimes this is also called the drain outlet center.
Unlike camazon other outlets located, for example, in Italy, to the Village La Vallee Village Outlet is easily accessible by public transport (metro + commuter train) that allows you to plan the trip as you like, and you are not tied to the bus schedule. And if you still have the ticket for public transport (zone 5), then a trip to the outlet at all will be free. From the station is also very convenient to reach. No shuttle to wait is not necessary, because the outlet is almost aligned with the shopping center, go through that only takes about 10 minutes.
In a convenient location Outlet stores - one in the street. camazon All these different Outlets -derevni part of the network Chic Outlet Shopping. Impossible to get lost, it is easy to plan a route. In La Vale Village certainly the most represented French brands, many of which in Russia simply does not.
A little camazon upset that the luxury brand boutiques presented things (especially accessories) is not the first line. Pleases camazon density (saturation) camazon is fashion boutiques (not so much sports or children's shops, stores or "Housing" in other outlets). Do not even have the usual set of cafes. camazon Apparently decided to abandon them in favor of the food court at the nearby shopping center. Therefore, despite the apparent compactness of the Village, camazon where you can thoroughly stuck, because I want to go to each store, where there is always something that you can try.
La Vallee Village Outlet closed on Sunday! This achievement for France, where the 35-hour working week and on Sundays all shops in Paris (including most food) are closed. So it's best to go there on Sunday - so can effectively poshopitsya than wandering camazon through Paris in search of the few stores that are still working on Sunday.
In La Vallee Outlet Village is very welcoming and friendly camazon staff, almost all speak in English. Met even a few Russian-speaking merchants (although not as much as in Italy). Very pleasantly pleased that this outlet at things honestly indicated on the label of the season and the year this collection. Some boutiques have a little bit of new collections (at reduced prices), or things with impressions (with advertising campaigns).
This Parisian outlets presented a lot of luxury brands, but the range at the time of my visit is not particularly happy (early March 2013). Such brands as Celine, camazon Givenchy. The only pleasant exception - popular among buyers Longshamp. Compared with the Parisian boutiques, prices camazon are nice, and there are many models that are still on display in the boutique, but now on the outlet. But the most popular models are not affected.
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