The unemployed university graduates has increased by 290% between April 2005 and April 2013 In addition, 96% of contracts were recorded in July 2013 storms. Among many other reasons, these two are significant enough to recognize the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship understood as a means to find a solution to the traditional internet store economic sectors and provide an alternative to excessive seasonality and market instability job.
The appearance last Friday showed that the hall "Jerome Marquis" Artistic Circle showed interest internet store in this subject evokes Menorcan society, not unrelated to the current problem or not confirmed that it remains free from desire to improve it.
The discussion was divided into two blocks, in which expression in the first term personal and professional experiences of the speakers and the second part, the problems and the solutions that we could implement. The worth and relevance of the speakers was totally overwhelming and it was, for sure, one of the causes of success. Pillar Faner Pons (Vice President of the Consell Insular de Menorca and Minister for Innovation), Juan R Sanchez Toumala (Consultant, former President of Young Entrepreneurs Islands Menorca and member of the Cercle d'Economia de Menorca), Santi Fields (Member of the Board Directors of Young Entrepreneurs Islands Menorca and Entrepreneurs Award 2012), internet store Luís English (Head and Binifadet Munditest) and John February (Horse Head Road 360 and Young Entrepreneur Award 2013) were the speakers at the discussion titled "" Innovation in Menorca. How can revive the economy and create new opportunities? "Also participated David Bell (Pretty Ballerinas), Carmen Crespo (Young Entrepreneurs) and Gabriel Palomo internet store (young entrepreneur) through internet store some explanatory videos.
The discussion during the debate focused mainly on understanding the existence of a greater need for innovation and constant internet store throughout all public areas and especially internet store in private (% of the investment internet store in innovation is negligible), creating a unique and differentiated value that puts the company in a privileged position, was trying to take the best practices in the field, the need to overcome the situation of double insularity innovate in processes or systems that do not There affecting innovate reason being customers and determining the manner in which this activity is carried out, think globally and act locally, not to use the current situation as an excuse for inaction and use it to reinvent ways to streamline paperwork internet store and administration to stop being a problem and become part of the solution.
He pointed to education as an essential tool to foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in school. Currently there are few activities carried out in this respect is a crucial issue not only ensure a decent future, but also free beings. "The fin of education will be a form for Apto to govern itself mismo, do not be afraid gobernado Apto be for them incidentally" Herbert internet store Spencer once said. Via twitter also noted that innovation internet store is not achievable without creativity, and the latter remains internet store oppressed and rejected by the current educational system. Initiatives are crucial in this regard as courses aimed at fostering entrepreneurship associations like the Young Entrepreneurs Islands or co-working spaces such as studio and youth.
We also understand innovation as a tool to achieve the conversion of the business sector in Menorca remains excessively focused on tourism as a sector ripe but not missing initiatives that aim to reinvent it, as For some speakers, John February internet store with its initiative Horse Road 360. This conversion may also become a factor partly assistant to restrain both youth unemployment and the irretrievable loss of human capital Minorcan not missing talent, if that opportunity.
It is extremely internet store important internet store to create and promote a foundation involving not only growth, but a renewed development, solid alternative to Menorca is known. Innovation, its potential can and should be a mainstay in these being the main example of clear economic plan, concise, unifying and agreed Menorca need.
Joaquim Coello, Applus chairman and assistant internet store to the debate, said the need to act decisively in this direction so as continuously. internet store "They become meaningless statements and promises no continuity. Be aware of and foster internet store talent in Menorca ball there, "he expressed.
Finally, the various speakers were stressed the seriousness of the situation and that it is necessary to anticipate it and dominate it. We must go for the Trebal
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