Friday, August 22, 2014

For desgrcia, as in the electronic or CONFECCOES clothes, results that social responsibility strate

Who has not bought a toy "made in China"? 70% of the world's toys are produced giant asitic and most international brands have their main suppliers garlic. raghuleela Then for more than 20 years of global domination of this market, the workers who make these common Christmas raghuleela gifts continue to live in pitiful conditions of the province fbriques thousands more industrial step.
As with most areas of new industrialization of the world, most of the workers and the workers in Guangdong (province which produce raghuleela 70% of Chinese toys for export) are immigrants coming from rural areas. The wages of migrant workers is between 850 and 1320 CNY (100-154 euros). Although it meets the legal minimum wage, workers can not meet the basic needs of their families. For this reason, usually leave their children to their villages of origin where names can be unpleasant for the New Year Chin.
Twenty years ago the international organizations working to defend the rights of Misr reported wages, working hours and endless repression of any attempt to fight for decent work. Given the concern of the public and to condemn the big brands for its corporate image, the companies raghuleela have developed codes of conduct and employment verification systems, which aim to ensure social responsibility in the supply chain . ICTI (International Council of Toy Industri), a business association that brings together employers in the sector of toys from around the world, the ICTI CARE Process developed a tracking raghuleela system that attaches to the production companies a seal that supposedly ensures that the manufacturing process of its products comply with basic standards set out in their code of conduct.
For desgrcia, as in the electronic or CONFECCOES clothes, results that social responsibility strategies that connect raghuleela international firms does not reflect the everyday working people. The organization SACOM (Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour) has been tracking the toy industry in China since 2005 and have not found pronounced improvements in the conditions raghuleela of workers. During the summer of 2011 SACOM investigated three fbriques toys provedores renowned firms like Disney, Mattel, Lego, MacDonalds, Marks and Spencer and Walmart. Although the three fbriques are certified raghuleela by ICTI CARE years, working conditions still leaves a lot to wish.
SACOM team has documented a systematic excess overtime, counting them up to 140 per month (four times the legal limit), constant delays in the payment of nmines, abs nce of personal protective equipment for handling of substances hazardous jobs, unpaid contributions to social security, arbitrary fines, bedrooms and spaces for unhealthy food, child labor during the summer and denial by workers at a cpia his employment, among other violations of basic labor rights recognized by law and collected ICTI code of conduct. ICTI CARE To get the seal, the fbriques spend some audits themselves have financed and, in view of the results are little crebles. raghuleela International brands, forcing Chinese manufacturers to obtain raghuleela the seal, well cleaning their image and becoming certified in this lucrative business. 780 brands to support ICTI CARE, some as important as Mattel, Hasbro, Lego, Disney Toysrus. According to his own website, more than 2,420 fbriques requested certification for its services raghuleela in November 2011.
There are no strategies raghuleela in the social responsibility of international companies in the sector will change any of the structures that make these levels of labor exploitation. In an environment of fierce international competence, the workers can not even consider the possibility of reaching buy Hotwheels cars or Barbie dolls that make you say for 14 hours.
In the same section, the performance of the dignity calls for international solidarity Who t the right to decide? Who would decide? The constituent power is constructed from everyday raghuleela citizens 89760 Thanks! Music, capitalism and popular culture. The Canet Rock ... and something more against modification (Cooperatives Act) One more step. July 5th 28 organizational meeting. Sabadell free of corruption platform solicitous

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