Saturday, August 2, 2014

If you visit any of the cities listed, you will realize this, they have taken advantage of this cir

The edge cities in the world have created a number centre commercial les 4 temps of options for urban citizens centre commercial les 4 temps to facilitate their life on a day to day, which have been studied are the key factors in the city to propose public centre commercial les 4 temps policies that are a factor of change in both directions in the first one that the city can grow sustainably, with affordable costs to the city itself and in order to offer all the urban amenities that position their city as a relevant option to promote private investment firms world class, those that activate provide quality jobs and technological innovation in their products, promoting new careers professionals in local universities oriented innovative lines of knowledge, biotechnology, nanotechnology, smart textiles, aerospace technologies to mention a few and in the second sense a model of urban planning that saves time citizens in your airport, less time and lower cost, and have family and personal savings that will impact in the short term better living standards.
To achieve these changes are evident in cities like Florence, London, San Francisco, New York, Turin, Barcelona, Chicago, Paris, Istanbul and Seville, among others, have implemented policies allowing urban change companies, industries and workplaces the districts themselves, have understood that urban city zoning solution and send jobs away from residential areas is a solution of the past, urges citizens to life, takes away personal time and forced to have several vehicles to interact with the city, on the other hand the city suffers more traffic, congestion problems and forces to invest in absurd as bridges gap solutions to alleviate traffic pressure.
They have realized that the calls local economies, those small businesses that were close to our homes or those small industries which produced handicrafts, such that we have neglected for so many decades in Mexico, are an important part of the solution to improve the quality of life citizens and have become a differentiating centre commercial les 4 temps factor in world-class cities.
If you visit any of the cities listed, you will realize this, they have taken advantage of this circumstance to benefit the city and its citizens, generating quality brands in products such as leather goods, in Florence and London academies of painting and art galleries - in San Francisco and New York, clothing, in Turin and Barcelona, artisan foods and organic products that provide nurseries centre commercial les 4 temps in different neighborhoods in Chicago, and Paris-markets world-class neighborhood centre commercial les 4 temps in Istanbul and Seville - just to mention some local economies in some cities.
It is so important trend in the recognized world class cities, large companies have changed their formats of large areas of flat sales to small formats that can enter the districts themselves, once again saving time shipments centre commercial les 4 temps to customers and avoiding congestion of the city, brands like Best Buy and Walmart in the United centre commercial les 4 temps States, Auchan and Carrefour centre commercial les 4 temps in Europe have understood these social and urban changes centre commercial les 4 temps to benefit their own sales.
Unfortunately if you live in the city of Leon in Guanajuato, Queretaro and Morelia or any city in Mexico and apply for a permit to the municipality to install a small workshop that produces something in your neighborhood or place an academy to teach art or for we install in your own house a clinic for his daughter who graduated as a dermatologist will tell you that is not possible, since land use is Residential, centre commercial les 4 temps and is incompatible with the neighborhood ... we are once again behind on the cutting edge solutions compared with Europe and the United States.
Our authorities should understand that the opportunities to grow the economy, provide centre commercial les 4 temps our children with learning areas in workshops, schools and shop close to home, existed in our cities 50 years ago, had already, before adopting the American urban model as the model, we are not inventing anything new, only those local economies-have-learned of modernity, now incorporate technology and marketing and have been modernized to offer local and international market centre commercial les 4 temps the best of themselves.

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