Friday, January 24, 2014

Any file placed in the

The $ cat / var / log / shin - get lost in the placement of the JavaScript libraries in Rails
I will place below. If attention to the positional relationship of the image of the images below (see asset pipeline), CSS and stylesheets auto outlet below, you will no problem subdirectory * of assets directly under 3 are ignored. After, looks good if the require to append application.js, if necessary.
Any file placed in the "/ vendor / assets /" or "/ lib / assets /" and can be accessed at the URL, "/ assets / ..." as in "/ app / assets /" will be (see asset pipeline). However, unlike the "/ app / assets /", does not seem to have that subdirectory immediately below are ignored. Subdirectory immediately below seem to be ignored again.
It looks good and In view of the above, the following "/ auto outlet vendor / assets /" library of third-party, auto outlet to place below "/ lib / assets /" library of your own.
It would be ideal if there is a general-purpose asset that is not specific to the current application, to put them in the assets directory under / vendor or / lib. If the application is using the jQuery plug-in, the JavaScript file is a good way to put it in the / vendor / assets directory auto outlet since the people managed by another. It is a good idea to manage on their own but for assets that are not specific to your application, and to put in the / lib directory. # 279 Understanding the Asset Pipeline - RailsCasts
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