Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 (18) January (18) 2013 (101) December (24) Happy New Year 2014!! We

Photos belfast shopping glows again mekapikseleitään but yes, they may be something obvious! Even then the gift is coming from Finland and Sweden after Christmas ku-I with the stage. :) And I was with relatives money to your account!
I spent two months in the summer of 2012 Spokane (WA) and a week in California most of my exchange student and her family, and became a niiltäki package. :) I'm belfast shopping not a guess here on the blog that you will be told from that of Canada as kahen weeks to get into an extended weekend there :) brought a bar of chocolate is the Seattle skyline and we headed to a family with children on a daily basis probably three hours tota skipbo game :))
hostperheeltä hostperheeltä I got from E cup :) it was so cute 'cause it was pretty worried that I'd like the gift of (R was received from a joint gift with hostäitin: D that candle is out there does not really tiietä that where, R also announces two weeks aikasemmin what to give to everyone: D
We went with just the boys in the park, and now they are sleeping in there for a while and is sent to an hour to get to the airport. E said to me that it should be so tedious that the heat (24 degrees belfast shopping again today), and you do not have to go to atleast 5 times in the sauna ens weeks: D I told you I start atleast 5 times a day ;) R ki is the real me have said many times that the viivi saw wanna be with me inside? Not oo I guess the boys prowled the snow friends: D Now even FLT packaging and cleaning belfast shopping of the room and get to fly again! :)
sorry guess I was a little blurry but I phrase into this time and I do not get there in Spokane to California. But yes'm certainly ens years of coming to California! :) And just there to Los Angeles! Remove
2014 (18) January (18) 2013 (101) December (24) Happy New Year 2014!! We're not in Savannah anymore Christmas in Canada stuck in Detroit for Christmas gifts and stuff Charleston Downtown Charleston Gingerbread Cookies oo No Christmas without Fazer 150 Day Rice Krispies Treats I need to stop shopping for Christmas Light Show The worst dream ever Rain in Paradise Breakfast with Santa - This weekend is like a dream, after one year we just wake ... Thanksgiving & Black Friday Weekly paycheck, well spent! Not the weather I was hoping for December Sparkly Nailpolish Day 135 Christmas Tree Christmas Show, Savannah Theatre November (18) October (21) September (16) August (15) July (7)

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