Monday, May 11, 2015

* May 1 (Labour and Solidarity Day unofficial known as and Labor Day a tatildir.yaklaşık it to 40 y

Turkey | Things to Do
Turkey, southwest of the Mediterranean i store north-west and north of the Aegean Sea with the Black Sea, southwest Anatolia separated by gorges with a small part of Europe in the West Asia is on the Mediterranean Sea. Turkey, southwest of Iraq, Iran is surrounded by Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest of Syria.
Black has evidence that a settlement before remain under the waters of the sea level rise of bed in prehistoric times. The peak of the place and the city where the legendary Noah's Ark is 5.165 meters which distributes pain. Others west of the city extends eastward.
Turkey was founded in 1923 from the remnants i store of the Ottoman Empire. Then the countries that took centuries to replace traditional religious government has launched i store legal. Turkey joined the UN in 1945 and in 1925 was one of the members of NATO. Turkey has come to the fore with a wealth i store of places to visit. Extending domes and minarets of Istanbul's Throne, western and southern coasts Phamphlia Roman ruins in the large and sunny beaches and the extremely mountainous coastline pitted against the mountainous backdrop of Lycia, the cold snowy mountains i store to the east; basement of a foam party in Southwestern Anatolia Middle Eastern-flavored city West Black Sea Compasses and fresh air from the mountains of central Anatolia want to large stepl views million dollar yacht, whether i store there is something to take delight of everyone who travels by pulling hitchhiking.
Turkey, which is only 7500 km area of less than Texas United Nations covers an area more than three times. When it comes to the diversity i store of the land and its creatures, Turkey shows a small continent feature. For example, there are 100 kinds of plant species. (Compared DUğUylA includes 13 varieties in Europe). One third of these plant species are unique to Turkey. In fact, the city of Istanbul hosts more plant species than all of the UK. Many people in Turkey recognizing the rich archaeological i store heritage, O, the coastal steppe plants and ecosystems such as peat bogs has tremendous value in the same way.
In a tourist brochure come to the ear like a cliché, it is actually a tremendous synthesis of East and West in Turkey. Given Turkey's southern and western neighbors difference though so little showing to the south of the city east, Before the First World War, and during the chaos that occurs after the Balkan city inhabited region of people who Countries migration, west and north-west kısımlarındayk the oath you that you are in Greece or the Balkans You can.
Mix in the northeast part of the city Caucasian effects i store are added. This view is based on the fundamental point that Turkey can easily tell the oriental region from Western countries, it is the most westerly specific area of East countries.
The only thing common to everyone in the country is the Islamic belief that a large portion of the population. But in general the country's great diversity vision of the review are: the Central People living in extreme conservatives in the steppe, (Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan standby), it is quite liberal on many human religions living in the western and northwestern part (Muslims about atheism sometimes symbolic) .Overall rule As the rest of the city, while people residing i store in the continental region is located in a relatively more conservative with relatively liberal among the people of the coastal region.
The largest religious minority in the city, with old customs and shamanistic implementing the Turks belong to a species closer to the Shiite version of Islam and religious Alevis constitute twenty percent of the population. Oriental Syriac into Orthodox, northeast of parts, Izmir and Istanbul broad şehirlilig the city limits, the majority of despite numerous Western countries to Turkey in the last 500 years based on settled next Catholic Romans, oriental Syriac Orthodox Jews, the Apostles, Armenians and Greek Orthodox i store are the other religious minorities. Despite the creation of the Muslim majority i store of the population, he participated as a country worthy of declaring a religious statehood.
On or in the center near the Turkey should remember intelligent Passengers holiday journey neighborhood crowding in, intensifying the traffic move to reserve accommodation, cruises should be kept in mind because it may lead to postponement has several i store holiday. Bank branches, businesses may be closed during public i store holidays and the traffic is concentrated during other future vacations so you should do your research before visiting. These holidays are not delayed .Tatil are quite interesting and it is not difficult to make the trip in bo. As well as the possibility that plans may be advanced easily.
* May 1 (Labour and Solidarity Day unofficial known as and Labor Day a tatildir.yaklaşık it to 40 years ago was banned for a long time as a holiday and put innovation back in 2009, a nationwide holiday because it brought degenerated in violence i store in the past year.

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