Tuesday, May 19, 2015

1.2 Techniques 1.2.1 Employees collect and prepare data rate of 1 (male, female) employees 1.2.2 St

"Army Ordnance" link: http://iqepi.com/?p=18576 or position: Position bellis fair mall hours (his / her) education: m. From a vocational certificate, salary: Vacancy rate: 315 operations. To get from: 8-17 December 2557 ** Do not pass the g ** Feb - Army Ordnance. Wishes to receive applications for employment as government employees and government employees on duty commissioned officers. Fiscal Year 2558 Number of employees bellis fair mall hours 296 315 1. Rate of positions, where the applications are as follows. 1.1 1.1.1 Service Group of 12 foreign service officers (male, female) bellis fair mall hours 1.1.2 munitions depot staff ratio of 23 (men) 1.1. 0.3 apprentice mechanic at number four (male) 1.1.4 Financial and accounting staff 2 positions (male, female) 1.1.5 Position 2 positions (male, female) 1.1.6 Staff 5 rate (male, female. )
1.2 Techniques 1.2.1 Employees collect and prepare data rate of 1 (male, female) employees 1.2.2 Statistics bellis fair mall hours 1 ratio (male, female) 1.2.3 Engineering bellis fair mall hours 3 rate (male) 1.2.4 Number of metal crafts. 3 Positions (Men) 1.2.5 Electric Major Ordnance Factory 137 rate (male, bellis fair mall hours female) Major metalwork-18 rate (male, female) Electrical Branch 33. rate (male, bellis fair mall hours female) Major Automotive Technicians rate of 35 (men, women) 12 bellis fair mall hours Department of Civil Engineering Unit (male, female) 1.2.6 Electric Plastics rate of five (men). 2. Government employees on duty commissioned officers were 19 positions that opened up as follows. bellis fair mall hours -.
2.1 Services 2.1.1 Service 4 ratio (male, female) 2.1.2 munitions depot staff ratio of one (male) 2.1.3 apprentice mechanic at number one (male) 2.1.4 Financial Officer 1 position. (male, female) 2.1.5 Position 3 ratio (male, female) 2.1.6 Staff 2 positions (male, female).
2.2 Technical - Auto Ordnance - Major Mechanical 1 Position bellis fair mall hours (male, female) - Major smith 1 ratio (male, female) - Major Electrician 2 positions (male, female) - disciplines. Automotive Technicians 3 ratio (male, female) 3. General and prohibitions below. - 3.1 3.2 Thailand's citizens aged under 18 years and not more than 35 years to 3.3 men's division with a perfect body. The two types. - 3.3.1 through the military option. Admission bellis fair mall hours select only those results identified as Class 1 and must have a height of 150 cm and Bust 76/79 cm up to the size of the committee is to choose those aged 3.3.2. has not reached the threshold visits choice. Have a perfect body Do not fall into the type 2 Act 2497 requires military height is 160 cm and Bust 75/78 cm, the size measurement of body size of ordnance. Army recruitment measuring 3.4 occurred in the year 2522-2539 3.5 does not recruit civilian men born in the year 2537-2538, which will be tested by selected Division Annual May. . IDP military bellis fair mall hours service in the year 2497, 3.6 in 2558 women have a perfect body. With a height of 150 centimeters and weighing 40 kilograms, up 3.7 was an admirer of democracy. With His Majesty the King as Head of State. According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand With 3.8 altruism is not a government official or employee of a government official or employee of a state agency bellis fair mall hours or employee of a state or local government 3.9 does not maintain a position of political parties. bellis fair mall hours Or an officer of a political party, not a physical disability 3:10 and unable to perform their duties. Incompetent Or mental infirmity; Or as stipulated in the regulations. Issued under Section 41 of the Military Service Act 2497 3:11 as those in the civil service being suspended. Or be ordered to leave the service before 3:12 is not impaired in good morals and is shunned by society. And not having been acts of corruption in the examination into service 3.13 3.14 is not bankrupt of good conduct. Not having been imprisoned by Carlos impunity sentenced to a prison. The Criminal Unless the punishment for an offense committed through negligence or a petty offense. Or in the prosecution. For those who have criminal bellis fair mall hours records and fill in the application form. And do not let the facts to recruit bellis fair mall hours staff as a reality that may cause damage to the compound. It Later, and if the check was later found to be regarded as candidates declare a false statement to the government, so the reserves. the right to revoke or refuse to hire or not to hire them later. Including prosecution bellis fair mall hours and litigation to recoup damages incurred by 3:15 not been punished, dismissed or expelled out from the Government or other agencies of the state.
4. Job Specification 4.1 4.1.1 Service Group staff positions available. Graduation at least junior high school (m 3). (For those who are more highly qualified defined reserves the right to request access to higher education based not) have knowledge about the service. Care facilities and - in documents and parcels bellis fair mall hours 4.1.2 Position munitions depot. bellis fair mall hours Completion bellis fair mall hours of at least junior high school (m 3). (For those who are more highly qualified defined reserves the right to request permission based qualifications than not) have knowledge about. Security The characteristics of a good soldier It is the only military force in the 4.1.3.

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