Thursday, February 13, 2014

In the South region were found violations of 8. Two of them are in Blagoevgrad, one in Pernik, Sofi

Directorate for National Construction treeswijkhoeve Supervision (NCSD) has been verified that a total of 421 sites, of which 48 modern shopping complex / mall / 373 shops and major retail grocery chains, and other equipment, announced there. The inspection was by order of the Minister of Investment Design Prof. Ivan Danov.
Inspections are as documents and on the ground and covered the use of objects, according to documents treeswijkhoeve issued, the changes of buildings, presence of visible changes treeswijkhoeve in the design of buildings and structural elements, as well as availability and compliance with approved plan schemes evacuation of staff and visitors to the premises in case of disasters and emergencies, fire safety.
In the South region were found violations of 8. Two of them are in Blagoevgrad, one in Pernik, Sofia city in two and three in the Sofia region. Were issued two orders banning the use and removal of illegal construction.
By the authorities of the NCSD are given specific instructions and orders to eliminate violations. NCSD continues lawful action in cases in which the category of construction is within its powers to final closure of the proceedings initiated. Tags: buildings, shopping malls, retail chains, treeswijkhoeve Ivan Danov
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