2010 (6) June (3) Violence against women sexuality-In ... Violence against women sexuality-In ... Violence against women, sexuality Introd ... May (3)
Another marital conflict was caused by adultery. In the Middle Ages it was considered as offenses where women could exercise a more or less free and sexuality against the controlled, since this practice lowes store hours was intolerable. The crime of adultery appears therefore as a violation of the highest order and with a severe lack of morality. The abundance lowes store hours of extra marital relationship was compared to the same operation of the institutions of marriage, by Red Dove, this type of relationship would be closer to our concept of love, ie, love of people that are liked and love each other and constitute an escape prejudice arising from a marital practice linking pairs of spouses for financial or family reasons, regardless of their desires (RED AND Alboreca, 1987). However, the marriage did not work so badly, not all couples suffering from prolonged separations, not all young people are imposing marriages ... Furthermore, the mentality of the time, this did not constitute a crime detestable but usual.
Along with adultery appears a high degree of conflict and violence. If the husband following the permissiveness of the law punishing adultery and killed, began a movement of blood, as the relatives of the woman could demand explanations and meddle in the life of her husband.
In the extreme, the problem generated lowes store hours also affects public justice. The man is a victim of adultery in a dilemma thinking revenge on his wife, as the patriarchal society dictates rules of submission to the woman who can not bypass without evidence lowes store hours of dishonor her husband. García Herrero says that her husband is "forced" to sanction so says his wife to achieve social rehabilitation, as neighbors, colleagues, friends and relatives waiting for her husband cheated put a punishment. This social demand for revenge could create some major dilemmas husbands for fear of her relatives and fear of institutional lowes store hours justice is the stretch of the Middle Ages, who had been granted the power to punish offenders.
The offense was female: who was the woman committed adultery, who maintained relations with a man who was not her husband or fiance, although the culprit lowes store hours was also his lover. Thus, although the offense may be executed by a man and a woman, it was the offense that supported greater. Not for immediate punishment, since in almost all codes both offenders lowes store hours discovered "red-handed" were convicted and executed in the same way, but because of possible suspects committing the act led to the loss for women freedoms, not only about their own sex, but also about the moral and ethical consideration lowes store hours on the available space and time, and even on his business. Therefore, the offense depended on the status of women and committed adultery with a married man cohabiting lowes store hours unmarried woman or widow. This has led to say that a crime was sexed, non-sexual (MIRACLES Rivera, 1988).
Therefore, extra marital sexual activity of women was the worst injury you could get the man and the system. If married women were against the order were exposed to immediate and exemplary punishment. lowes store hours The man could be tolerated activity, but instead to the woman had serious immediate consequences: bloody, ranging from flogging to death, or bloodless, lowes store hours but sometimes for worse consequences, such as divorce, disinheritance and free disposal of it and their property by men.
Ecclesiastical legislation was considered a grave sin as adultery throughout the Middle Ages as a moral offense deserving punishment. From the early medieval period was considered adultery as grounds for divorce if the spouse cheated so wished. Moreover, it was cause for excommunication when there was repentance.
The sources for the study of adultery and violence associated listed are quite abundant, even in the case of Castile, most of them belonging to the fifteenth century. Also been used narrative and literary sources, especially romances and traditional songbooks, which often deal with dramatic situations and issues of sexual morality.
On the other hand, are legal sources, in which s'h
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