Sunday, October 27, 2013

The shop is where to buy what, everything is a sign of FC Barca and all quite expensive. Finally, b

Once again we are dealing with a hearty breakfast, where to go look. I would like to visit the Picasso Museum, but other outvote me and we go to the famous tesco jobs application form football stadium - Camp Nou. So the metro from station to station Liceu Palau Reial no change. We work in the area called Zona Universitaria, which is where, in addition to the stadium is also the university, which is pretty tesco jobs application form obvious, because we meet a lot of young people. According to the maps, you can navigate and after a while we come to the complex of buildings with the stadium.
Camp Nou, which was built in 1957, is one of the biggest stadiums of the world. It can hold 100,000 spectators tesco jobs application form a local football club has 130,000 members, which is a world record. The tour includes the stadium itself outside the stadium, locker rooms and other parts of the museum as well. The entrance fee is quite expensive, tesco jobs application form grown around 20 Euro, I do not know exactly. Yet this does not deter us and go inside. First going through the locker rooms of players, pass the chapel, where they can pray, visit the press center, VIP lounge and then a long tunnel to the stadium. tesco jobs application form
And then we guided tour will introduce the local museum football club Barcelona. There is plenty tesco jobs application form to see pictures, posters, some trophies. After visiting the museum we continue connecting tesco jobs application form neck to the store (otherwise you can not get out than through trade))). A passage in the neck'll see some football tesco jobs application form players who just arrived for training. Those, of course, people waving and health with them (just around tourists gathered together). So take pictures, but not much, because it is quite a distance.
The shop is where to buy what, everything is a sign of FC Barca and all quite expensive. Finally, buy a scarf for my son to have something too. And then we move back to the metro and go back to La Rambla. Head down to the waterfront, where there Monument a Colon - Columbus Monument or.
Look it outside, pofotíme around and then waiting in line for the elevator to go up to the prospect. Elevator is small there, so it waits before for our turn. But the view is worth it.
We'll do some photos and then we headed down and find something to eat, because it's nearly half past three, and we - classic - not eaten anything since breakfast. Let's walk away, yet close to the harbor in an alley we have a late lunch - pizza and beer. While we sit and since then we run the butcher shop, we buy about 20 ounces jamon, or dried ham. The evening will definitely come in handy. Continue around the harbor and along the coast in the district called La Barceloneta. Along the way we pass a sculpture called Cabeza de Barcelona (Barcelona head).
La Barceloneta was previously neighborhoods factory workers and fishermen. Still retains the original character even if they're not factory. Part of the fishing families stayed here and the area is full of restaurants with fish and seafood. So we continue around the port, pass the Palau de Mar where is the Museum of Catalan History, tesco jobs application form and after a while we come to the first of Barcelona's beaches. Around the leads about 1, 25 km long promenade to the Port Olimpic,. We go around the sea along the promenade, one often make a stop and Dorka dip his feet in the sea. The beaches are some sunbathers people, even someone purchase.
Continue tesco jobs application form along the beach up to the Olympic port, see also large copper fish, standing on the waterfront near the two tower blocks, which served as the Olympic Village. Today it serves as a hotel, the other as an office building and apartments.
In one small square we find a nice pub where we ham and cheese cutting board and of course beer. Once again we sit and insurance, here it is surprisingly not agree on English, but fortunately our Spanish is sufficient.
Continue in the direction of La Ribera, where we visit Barcelona's tesco jobs application form most beautiful Gothic church Església de Santa María del Mar, or Church of Our Lady of the Sea, built in the 14th century. Although he was burned several times, definitely worth a visit because it is very nice.
After visiting tesco jobs application form the temple, slowly return towards La Rambla. It starts to get dark, so there we head to the El Raval, where walk around streets. Among other things get lost on La Boqueria Market, where stalls okukujeme mainly with dried ham.
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