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Korca, caught with 85 kg of drugs, arrested 5 people
Translate sogo club 250 kgkokain in bananas, to Shqipris. Volume record in Mount t Zi- caught sogo club VIDEO + PHOTO PODGORIC- Harbour Bar N t t Monte zisha today seized a record amount of cocaine qkishte Keri destination. Pr250 words becomes kilograms of cocaine cilsis's up, that will come in Albania, hidden in banana boxes. Montenegrin police in Port Bar bn indicated that the quantity seized sogo club drogs today, tfshehur in banana boxes that they came from Ecuador. Drugs is found in a three kontejnertq bring bananas from Ecuador to Shqipris. By using a scanner, oficerte customs sogo club police have discovered hidden kokainne wooden floor down to the container. Msohet sogo club that the drugs were divided into 223 packages. The calculated value of the sale's drogs reaches up to 12.5 million. Even Germany 'Bild', writes for large quantity m t n t drogst captured Sometimes Montenegro. T saktsojn the same sources for words becomes substance "exceptionally clean". For large quantity m t t kokainss clean, t catch in the history of Black Mountain t, write as Montenegrin media has also spoken to Customs Authority Director, Vladan Jokovi who said that the container is drguar from "Vimticorp SA", from Ecuador, while Albanian ishtekompania marrsi 'Rrapo', writes' Vejesti. According to him, the drug was detected in a control rutin Officials from the department of war against kontrabands. According to official registry Shqipris, 'Rrapo' is a registered company in March 2013 to the Rrapij choosy. sogo club The company was established PRT imported fruits, and according to the registry it is due drgesa par. What is known is that the bananas had cirque destination, while still not shprndahej saktsohet where cocaine would clean after t mbrrinte sogo club in Albania. Anti-Drug N Magazine CONTROL company "Rrapo" Time: 22: 33- Spurred by the Company including ActiveX "Rrapo" as a container of banana edrgesss marrsit where found the amount of kokains, Albanian ones we perform a check in its stores that are located in Fier-Lushnje sogo club highway, in the village Vajkan.Ekspertte afrsi t control is perform verification the documentation to ksaj company, sogo club PRT par and is investigating the involvement nsajo drogs in traffic or not. Meanwhile, becomes informed Police have started to pick up the workers in question sogo club firms and managers t. Msohet sogo club that the company "Rrapo" was established m datn March 18 and registered with the NRC in March 20 to 2013, with an initial capital of 100 leksh my new t. Next cocaine destined cirque
M May 22 to 2014-s, n Ecuador were seized 89 kg of cocaine bound for the port of Durres in Albania. Interior Ministry State ektij horn t know that drugs were found in a container that was filled with food for dogs and that was the destination sogo club Durres. Police arrested several people destroying a network t t lndve narcotic traffic. (M / ma / Brakes)
Drguar by MP m 06-06-2014 12:43 U n Quench news today. That was in Albania or three days does not last when you are in power. Watch Children of genetic studies and share Albanians origin that has important done when we are becoming more like Mexico. Woe to us
Drguar by Luiz Shkodrani, Donegal n m 06-06-2014 10:43@@Horrible No other news except that: 1. TNT 2. Murder 3. DRUG CRIMES 4. 5. 7. Debts PAPUNSI 6. VIOLATION OF THE LAWS NOW FULL KUSHTETUTS-9 MUEJ! That forgot to laugh; 8. employment as the governments of CHANEL TOP OF VISION + Albanian naive PRA, MA WAIT HAVE MORE OF PLA T'KTHYEM N'OGLIARK renaissance sogo club of mobsters? Wherein for the Albanian Ghani, sogo club to whom we have hand washes fell govern its !!!! Today I shall pass the Colombia drug crimes Afghanistan!
Drguar from Ali Baba, tiron m n 06-06-2014 10:41 You are writing all English so you all shqiptare.Mos shani and insult each other for the money Edit, Illyria, Sali or anyone else .Jemi vellezer.Te argue with each other like only Albanian enemies so they releasing slurs and insults are not shqiptare.Me sogo club respect Ali Baba.
Drguar from martini m 06-06-2014 10:26 o n the boys are not as good this conversation sogo club talking sogo club about drug .Then bumpkin bumpkin sogo club north south difference is these same south and near Gjirokastra had bojne as the smart .. they Dibra north with a focus concerned the drugs boys than 250 pounds of paste in a way is the bisness
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