Friday, October 3, 2014

As the word itself suggests. Which has a number of meanings that go far beyond the mall. Why in Eng

Tyranny indiscriminately it ought to appeal any government in which those who are responsible for the EXECUTION of the laws, it can make them, destroy them, break them, interpret them, prevent them, suspend nebraska furniture mart kansas city them; or even only to disappoint them with security of impunity. And then, or you break this law-is hereditary, or is elective; usurper, or legitimate; nebraska furniture mart kansas city good, or sad; one, or many; anyway, does anyone have an effective force, which is enough to do this, you tyrant; every society, which he admits, is tyranny; every people, who stand him, he is a slave. Vittorio Alfieri (1790)
It was once the winter (with the first frosts or a few flakes of snow coupled with the arrival in town of pipers) to mark the approach of Christmas. Today, this role of the Annunciation carries less poetically the mailbox every morning blocked nebraska furniture mart kansas city from brochures Christmas shopping centers.
Temple of the shopping paradise of consumption todo so. L 'outlet is the promised land of the discount. The showcase of democratic luxury, of 'exclusivity that does not exclude. A medina leisure in the truest sense of the term, to the oasis city of refuge of merchants, picturesque location. These citadels consecrated to the gods of the market are the new Mecca of desire where pilgrims make their pilgrimage ritual look for the grace of a designer wardrobe nebraska furniture mart kansas city without having to svenare. It is the consumer version of 'indulgence. And to concede are the capricious gods of supply and demand 'offer.
The outlets that are changing the geography of the boot, from the Alps to the Madonie, they are actually multipurpose sets that mix past and present, reality and fiction, tourism and business, socializing and fun. The most glamorous of the normal hypermarkets, these sanctuaries of the superfluous that it is essential to have the 'latest generation of theme parks. Sons repented of non-places, have transformed the vacuum of fathers in a full overflowing. And they became iperluoghi. Zip of attractions, occasions, stress, temptations. And relationships.
As the word itself suggests. Which has a number of meanings that go far beyond the mall. Why in English outlets, before indicating figuratively a shop, it is electrical conduit, or a hub that links and passages, nebraska furniture mart kansas city exits and entrances, a place of contacts and connections, an alternator current transformer of energy. Just think about this because nebraska furniture mart kansas city the meaning 'analogy with the' ancient agora comes on like a light bulb.
They were just the concentration and 'interconnection between spatial streams economic, social and religious center of the polis to do a iperluogo. Where you could find everything, from the temple to the market, from human relations to political contacts. But also spend your free time, go to the theater, enjoy the show of magicians and charlatans, listen to citaredi street, query the oracles. A social form that was reflected in a spatial form and vice versa. The 'agora was the' outlet of the nascent democracy. While the outlets are the agora of democracy mutant. And reflected in their paradoxical structure, hyperreal in their architecture, in their planning from Luna Park, the metamorphosis of global citizenship.
And besides, the same word shop has in itself the 'idea of the connection of' in, but also of 'out, along with sender and recipient, as the result of the dispatch, in the sense of shipment. As if to say that buying is not just take something away. And that is hiding in the goods always embodied a report. nebraska furniture mart kansas city Even in the most anonymous of purchases c 'is a relationship with the' other, even when this 'is none other than the' shadow of our desire, the Narcissus that is within us. It is no coincidence in the Indo-European languages the verbs give and receive, which would seem opposites, they do the same root. The seemingly contradictory expressions as they try to give a receipt. In other words, nebraska furniture mart kansas city give is always also take, that is, a ratio of two. Or more.
This arcane nebraska furniture mart kansas city value of the goods, any goods, which is the trace of the 'other, his admiration, his envy, fear of her gaze that judges us, in short, the reciprocity of seeing and of' being seen, celebrated in the outlet its liturgies. As it always has every rite that is constructed sacred spaces in his image and likeness, the temples most likely to keep the sparkle of his idols. That's why in these inner sanctum of 'opulence the phantasmagoria of goods, to quote Walter Benjamin, manifests itself today in a kind of hypertrophy of mechanical reproduction, cloning in a miniature of the world, in a generalized mimesis which is in fact a power possession of 'whole of reality. Reduced to market or rather transformed into a huge hypermarket scripted.
Renaissance towns, villages Apennine town d 'art, archaeological sites, v

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